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Maureen Buckley, Ph.D.


Maureen Buckley from the shoulders up smiling.
Maureen Buckley, Ph.D.


(707) 664-3107


Stevenson 3200

Office Hours

Mon: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
Wed: 12:00 pm-1:00 pmBy Appointment

Dr. Maureen Buckley joined the faculty in 1998 with a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Boston College. At SSU, she has regularly taught core classes such as Research and Evaluation and Pre-Practicum; in addition, she teaches Counseling Children and Adolescents, Working with Families in the Schools, Supervised Field Experience, and a variety of other school counseling related classes. Dr. Buckley's counseling experience includes work in school counseling, community mental health, pediatric behavioral medicine, child trauma and psychological assessment. Her scholarship focuses on mentoring, emotional competence, and contextual interventions for promoting positive developmental outcomes for youth. She is currently the Program Coordinator for the School Counseling (PPS) program. Dr. Buckley's office is located in Nichols Hall, Room 235. Office hours will change each semester. Please check in Stevenson Hall 3200 for updated office hours.